Smoking Cessation Hypnosis

Discover an unparalleled method designed to empower your journey towards a smoke-free life. Through the power of hypnosis, I offer a unique and highly effective approach aimed at liberating you from the grip of smoking for good.

By leveraging hypnosis, my program targets the root causes, enabling you to overcome cravings, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, and seamlessly transition away from smoking. Over the years, I've guided many clients who had exhausted every avenue, including pharmaceutical cessation aids. The result? Lasting success in their quest to quit smoking. I am confident that our specialized hypnosis program holds the key to your success as well.

My personalized hypnosis protocol is equally adept at addressing various forms of smoking, be it cigarettes, vapor/electronic cigarettes, or chewing tobacco. Each hypnosis session is meticulously tailored to align with your unique needs and goals.

My methods

I utilize a blend of advanced methodologies—hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and coaching—that stem not from mere theory but from years of hands-on experience assisting clients on their journey to a smoke-free life.

Hypnosis, a cornerstone of my practice, involves guided relaxation, focused attention, and embedded direct and covert hypnotic suggestions. This technique taps into the subconscious, enabling individuals to transform unwanted behaviors and beliefs. In the realm of tobacco cessation, hypnosis proves instrumental in helping individuals break free from nicotine addiction while cultivating new coping mechanisms to combat cravings and triggers.

Research substantiates the effectiveness of hypnosis in smoking cessation. A comprehensive meta-analysis of 59 studies comparing smoking cessation treatments concluded that hypnosis surpassed other methods—be it nicotine replacement therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or quit-smoking medications.

In a study featured in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, an astonishing 90.6% of participants who underwent hypnosis therapy reported sustained smoking abstinence after six months. In contrast, only 28.6% of those relying on nicotine replacement therapy achieved similar results within the same timeframe.

One of hypnosis's key advantages in tobacco cessation lies in its ability to address the psychological facet of addiction. Beyond physical dependence, nicotine addiction is deeply rooted in psychology. Through hypnosis, individuals can rewire their subconscious, altering beliefs and thought patterns associated with smoking. This shift in mindset not only enhances motivation to quit but also fortifies their resolve to resist cravings.

Moreover, hypnosis equips individuals with novel coping mechanisms to combat stressors and triggers linked to smoking. By imparting relaxation techniques and visualization exercises, individuals learn to soothe their minds and bodies in stressful moments, reducing the compulsion to smoke.

To Qualify for Our Services:

1. Age requirement: To access our services, you must be 18 years of age or older. Individuals under 18 must obtain parental or legal guardian consent before receiving our services.

2. Mental Health Consideration: If you are dealing with psychosis, schizophrenia, or other mental health conditions that might impact your judgment or comprehension, hypnotherapy might not be the most effective option for you. In such cases, written permission from your treating doctor is necessary before proceeding with hypnotherapy.

Embracing the Future: Why Virtual Hypnosis?

I've made a deliberate choice to exclusively conduct sessions via virtual Zoom appointments, a transition prompted by the COVID quarantine that has proven remarkably beneficial for my clients. This mode of engagement, which I've continued by choice, provides unparalleled advantages.

Years of experience have allowed me to refine protocols that significantly reduce the number of sessions required for success. Meticulous preparation, a robust strategy, and supplemental resources for reinforcement make this Smoking cessation Program highly effective.

Moreover, my expertise extends beyond individual sessions. I've been training hypnotherapy students in the same approach, empowering them to achieve remarkable results in helping individuals break free from tobacco addiction.

Worried about the logistics? I've got you covered. Detailed Zoom setup instructions will be provided, ensuring a seamless experience. All that's required is a computer, an internet connection, and a comfortable place to sit – an effortless process designed to prioritize your convenience.

No more commuting hassles or travel expenses! My Zoom appointments offer all the benefits of in-person sessions from the comfort and safety of your home.

Experience Rapid Transformation:

My refined protocols harness the power of targeted prep work, robust strategies, and effective advanced hypnosis techniques.

Schedule your 15-minute phone consultation today to determine your eligibility for our Smoking Cessation Program

Please note that it's essential for you, the individual who wants to quit smoking, to make the call. We need to assess your suitability for hypnosis directly, rather than relying on input from family members or spouses. Let's respect each other's time and prioritize your needs accordingly.

Please be informed that missing scheduled phone consultations will lead to being placed on our blacklist. With a current waitlist of three months, time is of the essence.

Smoking Cessation Program: $1200




Insurance Coverage:

Please note, that hypnotherapy services are not covered by insurance. However, upon payment, you will receive a receipt that you may submit to your insurance provider for potential reimbursement.

In the United States, coverage or reimbursement for hypnotherapy is not included in standard health insurance plans. However, there might be instances where some insurance plans or flexible spending accounts (FSAs) cover hypnotherapy sessions, but this is relatively uncommon.

Here are some potential avenues to explore for coverage or reimbursement:

1. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs): Some individuals may use their HSA or FSA funds to cover hypnotherapy expenses if the treatment is considered medically necessary. Check with your specific plan for coverage details.

2. Out-of-Network Benefits: In some cases, if a practitioner is not in-network with insurance companies, patients might be able to submit receipts for reimbursement as out-of-network services. However, this depends on the insurance company's policies and the individual plan.

3. Medical Necessity: If a healthcare professional deems hypnotherapy as medically necessary for a specific condition, there might be a chance for coverage. This often requires a detailed diagnosis and recommendation from a healthcare provider.

4. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Some workplaces offer EAPs that cover a limited number of counseling or therapy sessions, which might include hypnotherapy. Check with your employer's benefits department for details.

5. Specialized Health Plans: Occasionally, certain specialized health plans or programs might offer coverage for alternative or complementary therapies, including hypnosis. These plans are less common and might have specific eligibility criteria.

It's crucial to contact your insurance provider directly to inquire about coverage options, reimbursement policies, and any necessary documentation required for submitting claims. Additionally, discussing payment options and potential reimbursement with the hypnotherapist beforehand can provide clarity on financial arrangements.

Payment, Rescheduling & Refund Policy:

No Refund Policy: Regrettably, I do not offer refunds. Full payment in advance is required to secure your appointment. Your booking will be confirmed only upon receipt of payment. Time slots cannot be held without payment.

Payment Deadline: Failure to submit payment by the due date will lead to the loss of your appointment and placement on our blacklist.

Time Commitment: When you invest in my services, I reserve dedicated time to serve you, limiting the number of clients I can accommodate. Therefore, refunds are not offered. Please value your time as I value mine. Arriving late for your appointment will result in the loss of that time. Regardless of lateness, the appointment will conclude at the scheduled time. In case of a no-show, no refund is offered.

Rescheduling Policy: To reschedule an appointment, please notify me at least 48 hours in advance by calling or texting 443-484-8884.